We're seeking sponsors for the 2024-2025 school year. If you would like to make a positive difference in the lives of 100+ band students, please contact us today about sponsorship opportunities.

In order to ensure the sponsors are included on our sponsorship banner, we will need their contributions and artwork no later than Friday, August 9, 2024. Thank you for your consideration!

A printable sponsorship form is located here.

If you have questions, email us at marburybandboosters@gmail.com.

Marbury Band Boosters Association, Inc. is a IRC section 501(c)(3) entity organized under the laws of the State of Alabama. Please consult your own tax advisor or attorney to determine the tax deductibility of your contribution.

Please support the businesses and churches who invest in our band program!

Learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

A big thanks for our 2024-2025 band sponsors:

Monthly Band Parent Meeting

Please join us for the monthly Band Parent Meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the MHS band room.

Publix Partners

Want to earn money for the Marbury High School Band? Publix Partners makes it easy. Simply join Club Publix and support the Northstars when you shop. Learn how at publix.com/partners.